11th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count
February 15 – 18, 2008
Count for Fun, Count for the Future!
This weekend people all around the nation will be counting birds, including Guides-To-Go. It's easy and fun and you can even do it while eating breakfast. You can count for 15 minutes on one day or 24 hours for 4 days, any observations will be helpful.
The GBBC is sponsored by Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Audubon, please read on for some exciting news.
What’s new this year?
Check out the GBBC website (
http://www.birdcount.org/) for improved features, including:
Ability to submit YouTube bird videos. The best videos will be posted on the GBBC website.
Expanded sparrow identification page.
New bird call identification game for kids.
New FAQ section and narrated GBBC overview.
Win something cool!
When you send in your checklist this year, you will automatically be entered in a prize drawing to win items like binoculars, bird feeders, and a variety of great books! Check out
http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/press/news-stories/prize-list-for-2008 for a listing of prizes.
Submit Photos to our Online Gallery and photo contestDuring the count, take digital photos of birds (and bird watchers!) and submit them to the GBBC website. All photos submitted will be entered in the photo contest, and some will be posted in an online gallery. Images will be accepted through March 1.
Your counting counts.
In 2007, GBBC participants made history, breaking records for the number of birds reported and number of checklists submitted. Participants sent in more than 80,000 checklists tallying over 11 million birds of 613 species. Last year, as a result of your counts, we discovered that many bird species had already started their spring migrations in February—earlier than in decades past. Your counts help us build a long-term record of where people are finding birds and how many birds there are. Although your bird counts need to take place from February 15-18, you can submit data as late as March 1, 2008. If you have any questions, please contact us at
citizenscience@audubon.org or
Remember: the GBBC is fun, free, and helps birds!