Today was a wonderful day to do some spring birding in Boulder County. We visited Rock Creek Farm, Walnut Creek Trail and Standley Lake. The Swainson's Hawks are in and making nests and we found Great Blue Heron Rookeries, Double-crested Cormorant Rookeries and many Red-tailed Hawks nests. The Yellow-headed Blackbird (right) was in full force and at times covered the trees like ornaments. Here is our complete list for the morning: 1) Western Meadowlark, 2) Red-winged Blackbird, 3) Canada Goose, 4) Common Grackle, 5) American Tree Sparrow, 6) Killdeer, 7) Northern Shoveler, 8) Tree Swallow, 9) Yellow-headed Blackbird, 10) Mallard, 11) Barn Swallow, 12) Bonaparte's Gull, 13) Blue-winged Teal, 14) Willet, 15) American Avocet, 16) European Starling, 17) Violet-green Swallow, 18) Red-tailed Hawk, 19) Spotted Sandpiper, 20) American Robin, 21) Song Sparrow, 22) Mourning Dove, 23) American Kestrel, 24) Say's Phoebe, 25) Sharp-shinned Hawk, 26) Swainson's Hawk, 27) Great Blue Heron, 28) Belted Kingfisher, 29) Northern Flicker, 30) American Goldfinch, 31) Double-crested Cormorant, 32) Black-billed Magpie, 33) Bald Eagle. Happy Birding! Dee
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