Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Florida Keys Birding and Wildlife Festival

I started my birding weekend on a trip to Ohio Key early Friday morning. The keys are an amazing place in general with a majority of time spent looking one direction to the Gulf of Mexico and the other towards the Atlantic Ocean.

The walk along the beach was shorebird heaven; experts and amateurs alike pulling out field guides and books. Not only were the birds here diverse and many but were in winter plumage with immature birds as well…what a challenge.

After identifying the shorebirds; Willet, Sandpipers, Ruddy Turnstones, Short-billed Dowitchers and Least Sandpipers to name a few, we made our way to a tidal pool. As we approached we were greeted by a Mangrove Cuckoo who flushed from the bushes. In the pond directly in front of us was a Reddish Egret posing for pictures on a snag and to our right was another “dancing” for his breakfast.

Overhead were Royal Terns, Osprey, Brown Pelican and Kingfisher plus a great look at a Boblink in flight.

That evening the opening reception was a treat. The event had hors d’oeuvres that were more like a banquet dinner including wine and beer. I enjoyed the keynote speaker Pete Dunne on “25 Things that Changed Birding” and agreed with all of them. Afterwards the audience got to add a few to the list and it was an eye opener with technology being huge in many aspects of birding these days.

Tomorrow I will be birding with Pete Dunne and can’t wait!

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