Saturday, February 6, 2016

Cure for Cabin Fever

A unique event is occurring the first week of this month that gives us a chance to get up and get out to enjoy nature…the alignment of five planets in the southeast sky.

The only equipment needed is a hot cup of your favorite beverage, a coat, hat and gloves. For the best viewing, wake up 30 to 60 minutes before the sun rises and look along the horizon to the southeast. Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter should all be shining bright and visible with the naked eye.

The study of the planets, stars and galaxies have always fascinated me and remind me of how beautiful and vast our universe is. Take a moment to enjoy the morning sky, embrace the quiet and be glad that we have places surrounding us where there are no lights, not a lot of people and we can just be.

It’s cold, it’s early but it’s spectacular! See you out there!

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