Saturday, April 15, 2017

Wildlife Sightings for the 2nd Week in April

First Gnat of the season (4/11/17)
First American Robin of the season (4/12/17)
Mule Deer (5) at Skyline and Majestic in Woodland Park (4/12/17)
Mule Deer (6) on Highway 67 and Research Drive (4/12/17)
Evening Grosbeak female(4/13/17)

The first Gnat of the season was hovering over my bananas in the kitchen, this means the insect eating birds will be coming soon and so will more gnats.

The first American Robin of the season was singing it's spring song.  The distinctive song of Cheerio, Cheerio, Cheerio, Cheerio caught my attention.  This bird has about 126 different songs in his repertoire. This bird is not for the beginner when learning to bird by ear, unless of course its spring!

The Mule Deer seen in Woodland Park are the locals that like to hang out in these neighborhoods.  This is one reason why we love to live here.

A female Evening Grosbeak came to my feeder and it was a lovely sight to see.  She was very cautious as she fed, looking around for any predators and spilling seed along the way.  Even though the female is more drab than the male, she still has the lime green beak and black wings with white.

Hope you enjoy next week.  I will be watching for wildlife, stay tuned!

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