Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sandhill Crane Trip 2016

Last weekend I had an amazing experience watching birds migrate through the San Luis Valley. Thousands of Sandhill Cranes and hundreds of thousands of waterfowl were feeding, resting and refueling before heading to their breeding grounds up north. Northern Colorado, Wyoming and Montana provide more suitable habitat for feeding and raising their young than New Mexico where they spend the winter. To experience the sights and sounds of this event is awe inspiring and should be experienced at least once.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Woodland Park Parks Tour a Success!

Woodland Park Parks Tour a Success!

This spring break hike was a lot of fun!  The teens walked a 2-mile loop visiting and giving “nature” names to the city parks, learning about local natural history along the way.  It also gave everyone an opportunity to learn more about the city in which they live, such as Tava Plaza above.  The next time you visit one of these downtown parks, look around and see how they earned their names.

Memorial Park – Big Pine Park
The Green – Pikes Peak Park
Cavalier Park – Fountain Creek Park
Bergstrom Park – Train Park
Lion’s Park – Aspen Park